...how so, you ask?
Like THIS:
Get it?
Herm. Mebbe this'll help.
Part of this mornin's brekkie de champions.
Get it now?
Well fine, I'll never tell. ;]
Okay. I can't hold it in any longer!
See that thar yogurt? I MADE IT.
A la this recipe.
(I used Activia, o'course. Then later strained it into Greek yogurt.
Acos Greek peoples are full.of.AWESOME.)
And let me tell you whut. Each of the SIX hours spent babying that stuff was TOTALLY worth it.
Yumyummy in my tumtummy.
So. Why did I embark on my yogurty adventure?
1) Too much free time. (I know, WHUT? Since when does this happen?!)
2) Emily's marvelous padres inspired me. =]
Well fine, I'll never tell. ;]
Okay. I can't hold it in any longer!
See that thar yogurt? I MADE IT.
A la this recipe.
(I used Activia, o'course. Then later strained it into Greek yogurt.
Acos Greek peoples are full.of.AWESOME.)
And let me tell you whut. Each of the SIX hours spent babying that stuff was TOTALLY worth it.
Yumyummy in my tumtummy.
So. Why did I embark on my yogurty adventure?
1) Too much free time. (I know, WHUT? Since when does this happen?!)
2) Emily's marvelous padres inspired me. =]
In fact, they're almost as kewl as pirates.
Actually, I take that back. Pirates still pwn.
But hippies deserve a little lovin' every now and again.
Next on the agenda - homemade bread!
Pray that the yeast gods don't frown upon me. o.o
Anywho. Aside from the above excitement, I also said buhbye to a very close friend of mine, yesterday.
Since Mum insisted that he was a WILD THANG, and oughtn't live in a glass bowl his whole life.
Cleaning his antennae, AGAIN.
Prissy likkle bug.
(Wild? My butt.)
I will miss you, Stevie. You were my favorite. =[
After our tearful goodbye, (on MY part, anyhow. QOD: Can Rolypolys cry?) I sed hai to Mr. Scale.
And he told me that...
I didn't lose.
But didn't gain either.
GRAGH. -_-
ED had a picnic (hahaha. A sans-food picnic), obviously.
But Morgan said phooey and made a whoppin' brekkie anyhow.
Whole grain brown sugah cinnamon Pop Tart, apple butter, Activia+raspberries, and tea.
*deep breath*
Ms. Apple Buttah and Mr. Pop Tart were joined together in holy matrimony.
Which was soon consumated...in mah tummy.
Then, since our fridge has been looking like a barren wasteland, (I have NUTTIN' to do with this. I swear! *shifty eyes*) Mum and I went on a crusade to Safeway, and returned with:
I will miss you, Stevie. You were my favorite. =[
After our tearful goodbye, (on MY part, anyhow. QOD: Can Rolypolys cry?) I sed hai to Mr. Scale.
And he told me that...
I didn't lose.
But didn't gain either.
GRAGH. -_-
ED had a picnic (hahaha. A sans-food picnic), obviously.
But Morgan said phooey and made a whoppin' brekkie anyhow.
*deep breath*
Which was soon consumated...in mah tummy.
Then, since our fridge has been looking like a barren wasteland, (I have NUTTIN' to do with this. I swear! *shifty eyes*) Mum and I went on a crusade to Safeway, and returned with:
(Whoa. You can actually see my teeth marks, thar.
Mum left soon after, so I had the kitchen to me onesy.
*evil grin*
And this, of course, was the part of the day when Morgan vanished into yogurtland.
...ALMOST as fabulous as Morganland.
But not quite.
Howevah, in the midst of breeding bacteria, (Hee. What'd you think yogurt was, anyhow?) I got hungray. Again.
*evil grin*
And this, of course, was the part of the day when Morgan vanished into yogurtland.
...ALMOST as fabulous as Morganland.
But not quite.
Howevah, in the midst of breeding bacteria, (Hee. What'd you think yogurt was, anyhow?) I got hungray. Again.
..what be that in tha middle, thar?
Yoo no eat him.
You eat him eets okai he no care.
I wound up microwaving the Odwalla bar, a la blogland.
Was like eating boonana-y cookie dough.
Latah, Mum and I went for a booteous walk. And talked each other's ears off.
I love her.
She really doesn't give a dern if I get a tattoo, dye my hair some obnoxious hue, or don't get straight A's.
(None of which I've actually done. YET.)
I think that, because so many things haven't been "forbidden", I've never felt the desire/need to dabble in them. No drugs, alcohol..
I iz goody2shoez. =]
Anyhow. Do any of you have a parent/parents like this?
Speaking of Mum, she also made din din. And it was GUD.
HOMEMADE tamales this time. And dried cherry/cucumber/blue cheese salad.
Plus salsa. (Uhm. Duh?)
Yee boi. Buttahfingah ice cream.
Now, since Morgy had to work later than expected today (coworker got food poisoning. o.O), she's ver' tired and needs a little shut eye.
Howevah. As promised, she has a BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT to hollah, first.
Happy bwifday to yooou.
Happy bwifday to yoooooou.
Happy BWIFDAY dear Chaneeeeel.
*epically long pause*
I luff you, chica. You're my most favoritest angry black woman evar.
And guess what?
*slap on back*
Go get 'em. ;]
(To everybudy not in the know: Chanel is a friend'o'mine who has supported me through all of this ED+boy troubles garbage. I luff her and would trust her with...my snickerdoodle cookie recipe.
And that's sayin' somethin'.
...That's sayin' ALOT.)
Oky. NOW bedtime.
Get your Monday gear on, everyone...
Was like eating boonana-y cookie dough.
Latah, Mum and I went for a booteous walk. And talked each other's ears off.
I love her.
She really doesn't give a dern if I get a tattoo, dye my hair some obnoxious hue, or don't get straight A's.
(None of which I've actually done. YET.)
I think that, because so many things haven't been "forbidden", I've never felt the desire/need to dabble in them. No drugs, alcohol..
I iz goody2shoez. =]
Anyhow. Do any of you have a parent/parents like this?
Speaking of Mum, she also made din din. And it was GUD.
Plus salsa. (Uhm. Duh?)
Now, since Morgy had to work later than expected today (coworker got food poisoning. o.O), she's ver' tired and needs a little shut eye.
Howevah. As promised, she has a BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT to hollah, first.
Happy bwifday to yooou.
Happy bwifday to yoooooou.
Happy BWIFDAY dear Chaneeeeel.
*epically long pause*
I luff you, chica. You're my most favoritest angry black woman evar.
And guess what?
*slap on back*
Go get 'em. ;]
(To everybudy not in the know: Chanel is a friend'o'mine who has supported me through all of this ED+boy troubles garbage. I luff her and would trust her with...my snickerdoodle cookie recipe.
And that's sayin' somethin'.
...That's sayin' ALOT.)
Oky. NOW bedtime.
Get your Monday gear on, everyone...
Hey hey sexypantssssssss.
I'm glad my comment put a mass grin on your face; and yours returned the favour x9999394 +3! =D
You make me feel all warm and gooey inside, realleh! Mmm..warm and gooey..
I can't wait to see how the bread turns out!
AND I pissed mah pants with laughter at your mention of the yeast gods..or maybe I just have a dirty mind. =|
It's fab to hear you trotted off and made a yummy breakfast regardless of what de scale said.
All it is is a stupid number; you know that you're heading in the right direction and that is more than enough. =) YOU RAWK MAH SOCKS RIGHT BACK GIRLY!
..The funny thing is, my parents are almost a POLAR opposite to your mumma!
Well they definitely were in the past; which I think caused me to make some silly choices sometimes and to be a bit of a headstrong lil girl. O.O
An invite should be arriving soon in your mail our oreo and pink martini partay ;]
Thanks for making me smile yet again!
OH and happy birthday Chanel! =)
great eats! love the bagel sandwich! and the whole grain pop tarte with apple butter! yum! love it!
yum pop tarts and apple butter! and that pb and cc bagel looks to die for never tried that combo looks good though.
hi girlie
ygurt making? im glad morgan spends her time wisely :) i approve of the acitvia usage!! makes the activia club proud :)
mmm poptart....and that dessert as always looks fantasmic! so tasty and melty-ness goodness! now i crave some ice cream...at 10 am in the morning....hmm...ice cream am snack possibly?
love the bagel combos, very creative:)
awww sorry you had to say bye to the lil fella *liccle wave goodbye* but hell be happy in the wild :) free to be with all the other liccle cuties!!
hope you had a nice nights sleep mdear,
much love chica!
Oy Morgy I have mucho to write about in this comment. Where to start?
About Thin - it has an interesting effect on me. Before I was in recovs, it made me want to leave ED forever. But now, now whenever I watch it ED likes to guilt trip me by telling me I'm "not as good an anoretic" as those girls. WHUT? What the hell does that even MEAN, right!? But...you know ED. He's twisted and sick. Point is, I always feel triggered ):
Thanks for the hair tips, mah luff!
Also, thanks for making me feel better 'bout yesterday (: Your huggles are very appreciated!
Mmmm vanilla Activia? That sounds like a mouthgasm fosho. I'll need to look for it in the supermarket next time I go grocery shoppin' (my favoritest!).
Heheh...MORGYPOO don't tell me your head is in the GUTTER? (Mine is bigger than yours!). Because mine is. Always. You can be sure of that.
Gnocchi - don't know, my madre bought it. But next time I'll make sure to ask!
Oky...now that THAT's over with...
Morgster, a hippy! Teehee...oo I've never made yogs. Or bread. But I really want to try the bread thing (not sure about the yogs. Allowin' bacteria to grow kind of creeps me out). Although that could be a major disaster...
Bagels are so. flippin. good. Gawd.
Sorry you didn't gain chica ): But I know you can make it - I have faith in you! <3
Teehee you goody two shoes...I wish I could say the same thing about myself. Unfortunately, for years I used alkie to drown my ED sorrows. Shameful.
Wow. This comment is bordering on ETERNAL. So. I will leave ya now. Have a beautiful Monday <3
Wow Morgan! You're so brave to have Steve on your finger. I am deathly afraid of all bugs! Yay for strawberries! I love to dip them in sugar (bad habit).
I did tell my mom about my blog. I took a picture of my brekkie this morning and she was fine with it.
LOL! I don't know the time difference either! I'll check. -checking google- Oh, we're ahead of you by 3 hours. Mehh, that means my day ends sooner than yours :(
A ha!! I laughed so MUCH reading this post!! I'm sorry that you had to say goodbye to yer little rolly polly friend :( I luv those lil guys!!
The Greek Yogurt sounds so delish!! If I had like six hours all to myself I would SO be making some right now too!
Good job for kicking one to old mister ED!! He es muy estupido!!
Although.....PB and PICKLES AND Strawberries??!!! I dunno girl, pretty dern STRANGE right there! lol but I still love ya!
Love and Hugs!
yogurt making? time WELL-spent, I say! yum!
oh, and answer to your question: I LOVE baking! actually, I was a baker before a "cook." I'm always baking and baking and not trying to brag, but I'm kind of famous for my baked goods (ok, totally bragging here).
and oh my goodness, homemade tamales? can I steal your mother? haha! I love things made from corn, but don't like eating corn by itself. weird, huh?
morgs! i have been embracing my inner hippie as well :) i love it! (greek yogurt time!) although your yogurt sounds do awesome - i cant even imagine how yummy it was! but one thing i do not trust myself with is bread haha.
fresh berries, pure vermont and yo-cheese? delish! ill have to try that combination asap.
i have organic berry pop tarts in my pantry! (they have been waiting for me to much for a couple of months - i better get on that!) thank you for the inspiration, again! i love you and your spontaneity. (and with apple butter! so yummy)
pickles and pb! ive always been curious about this. i should definitely try it :) and hooray for bagels and odwalla bars! im going to try the banana nut just for you. it looks and sounds fantastic.
i have a mum very similar to yours! we go on walks, meditate, shop, have tea, all the time. she is my best friend and she is the best listener/advice giver. (im also a goody too shoes!) but i wouldnt want it any other way. im so glad you have a wonderful afternoon!
okay homemade tamales? morg, i really need to take you up on the dinner/dessert invitation! your salad looks delicious too. dried cherries, must try that asap.
butterfingers are one of my favorite candy bars :) im in love over you bowl of ice cream (again!)
i hope you are having a fabulous monyday! and hopefully getting some time to relax and enjoy this gorgoeus weather.
all my love! <3 you loads!
p.s keep up the amazing progress sweetie! ed is dying inside right now :)
I love hippies! I've been one for halloween at least 3 times. And I try to embrace my inner hippie daily. The yogurt looks great! I'm totally making homemade bread, this weekend if I have time.
Oooooooommm bagels. And tamales. And mondo berreh, and odwalla, and ice cream, and everything on this page! Why do you eat such amazing foodie? I'm going to steal your snickerdoodles, too.
My mom really isn't much like yours. She is used to me being a goody two shoes and I don't even know how she'd react if I did something like get a tattoo! But it's great that you two have such a cool relationship.
Happy bday to your friend! Try to enjoy your monday.. much love!
Hey sweetie!
Sorry you had to say goodbye to your little roley poley friend. It sounds like he had a good home, but eventually you just have to let them go.
The butterfinger ice cream i bet cheered you up because it looks PHENOMENAL!
Also I totally can related to your relationship with your mom. My mom and I are the same way and she is way cool!
Take care sweets!
Hmph!!! I don't like my day ending so quickly! (even though everyone's day is the same amount of hours). Right now, it's 7:19pm. :/
I try making my own oatmeal with berries and a whole bunch of things. But I find that just pouring Silk into pre-packaged FLAVORED outmeal is so much better :)
Yeah, I think tart is the right word for that bar. What are you favorites? And thanks for the compliments of my foodies! I only MAKE it sound exotic! LOL! Yeah, if I don't start learning how to cook now, I'm doomed for instant ramen noodles for eternity O_O
yay strawberries! They were on sale at the grocery store yesterday so I stocked up and ate a whole pound of them yesterday :)
aww poor Steve. I hope he enjoys the world.
I would like to take a moment to remember Steve, the little critter I never met, but nevertheless he left an imprint on this world.
And back to life. Thanks Tina and Kiki for the birthday wishes.
Morgan I am commenting due to your insistence in pre-calc where I am sure you are dutifully snoozing as I write this on my off period :]
Thanks for the love! And the song, especially the song. I imagined you singing it to me and I lauhged. A lot!
I would trust you with Malcolm. And that's saying something, because I know just how much you love children *ha*. But you would watch him, and do it well because you are lovely.
And because I would kill you otherwise.
And this is why I don't comment on your blog, because it turns odd and disturbing, and people will probably think I am a freak.
I'm planning on having Gingersnap tomorrow! I heard some people don't like it as much. So far, my favorite is coconut ^_^
And don't you DARE picture me dancing like a leprechaun! It's embarassing D:
Yay for rainbow sorbet! Well, don't look at me when your um, froyogurt disappears. Totally nothing to do with me!
lol, oh morgan...your comments are always the best.
green tea cakes? you've tried them too, eh? aren't they fab? your brother is missing out! I'm opposie from him, I want to eat anything that's a funky green!
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