Embarrassing, much?
Yesterday morning included something of a O.O moment.
There I was, a'mindin' my own business, gettin' all gussied up for school, when..
"Whoa. Hullo thar."
(I had glanced down.)
And mah gurlz were gettin' all SORTSA friendly with each othah.
Lessons learned:
1)Recovery is worth it.
2)Recovery is worth it.
3)Recovery is.SO.worth.it.
Okay. Girlish excitement over.
...NOW over.
As I scampered about the house with glee, Mum reminded me that I was running late and needed to have some noshin's before school.
Party pooper.
So I threw THIS togethah:
Scarfed down in minutes. Whoot.
School = meh.
Lunch = meh.
No comment on either, so I don't bore your poor likkle brains out.
Yes, I know. I'm such a considerate person.
So. Movin' on to snackity.
Genuine, Kansas-grown popcorn.
Born from a cuhyoot liddle cobby, and smothered in cinnamon sugar.
..so quaint. =]
Paired with my very fwist Rachael's pink grapefruit lychee yogurt.
Which I may say FAR surpassed Mr. popcorn bowl in the yUm factor.
Trotted off to ze farm, afterwards.
And, one of these days, Morgan will ACTUALLY bring her camera along.
Well, the duckies+chickens+piggies+peafowl say hai. =]
Despues, I romanced teh oven. And here is our love child.
Spanakopita (Spinach+feta wrapped in philo pastry), and a strawb/walnut salad with BOTH blue cheese dressing and raspberry vinaigrette.
There are none.
Instead, I had:
He was smushied, and not-so-photogenic, so I only got this one piccy.
Oh wells.
Tastay anywho.
Lunch = meh.
No comment on either, so I don't bore your poor likkle brains out.
Yes, I know. I'm such a considerate person.
So. Movin' on to snackity.
Born from a cuhyoot liddle cobby, and smothered in cinnamon sugar.
..so quaint. =]
Which I may say FAR surpassed Mr. popcorn bowl in the yUm factor.
Trotted off to ze farm, afterwards.
And, one of these days, Morgan will ACTUALLY bring her camera along.
Well, the duckies+chickens+piggies+peafowl say hai. =]
Despues, I romanced teh oven. And here is our love child.
There are none.
Oh boy. I don't know if you girls will love me or hate me for this, but last night...
I did not have ice cream.
*hides under rock*
...don't hurt me!
I did not have ice cream.
*hides under rock*
...don't hurt me!
Instead, I had:
He was smushied, and not-so-photogenic, so I only got this one piccy.
Oh wells.
Tastay anywho.
Mum had some sort of St. Paddy's Day partay, and brought me back sum.
So. Methinks I'm liking this posting-every-other-day thing, for now.
Since I do take a redonkulous amount of time to write them, (perfectionst, much?) and it isn't really compatible with school demands.
Speaking of those...*peers over mountain of homework*
Yeah, I oughta get on that.
Have a lovely morning/day/evening/WHATEVAH, chicas!
And I hope y'all had a fantabulous St. Paddy's Day - sober or not. ;]
So. Methinks I'm liking this posting-every-other-day thing, for now.
Since I do take a redonkulous amount of time to write them, (perfectionst, much?) and it isn't really compatible with school demands.
Speaking of those...*peers over mountain of homework*
Yeah, I oughta get on that.
Have a lovely morning/day/evening/WHATEVAH, chicas!
And I hope y'all had a fantabulous St. Paddy's Day - sober or not. ;]
I approve of the cake.
I approve of your new found boobies more.
Yeah I said it.
Hi Kevin!
I saw them first
Okay, hyperventilation OVAH.
That cake looks yummy! Is the icing BLUE?? Oo.
Oh, boobies.
Mine never grew back ):
I guess the weight thought it would be more funskies to pop up elsewhere.
I guess I deserve it. adsfjkdgjdk
OMG OMG OMG...guess what my mom got me!?!? VANILLA ACTIVIA!
No way - so you're tellin' me yeast is all aboot the bacterias TOO? God, what are you DOING to me?
It's like they're takin' over the world.
One yogurt or loaf of bread at a time.
Wuv you little lady <3
YOU'VE JOINED THE BOOB BRIGADE! All aboard..choo choo!
Well I'll just have to wave you goodbye from the outside of said brigade because I also have not reclaimed mah boobies. I have however grown some sexualicious hips so here we are, boobies and hips and all! Isn't it amazing the way our bodies thank us for giving it nourishment?!
HJSDGRYUEGR I LOVE SPANAKOPITA WITH A PASSION! A bit of a fear food of mine but when I have it, I SHOUT from the rooftops of how exceptionally tasty it is!
I was gonna cyber whip yo lovely ass for not having yumyumyum icycream, until I scrolled down (great job on the suspense btw xD) and saw that you had some scrumptious lookin' cake! Almost as good!
Oh Morganpie, you never fail to put a smile on my dial. =)
that muffin looks too good for words,muffins..yum! and that din din looks so good! great eats, and go boobage!!:)
hi babydoll
haha...clevage = pro of recovery fo sho :) embrace it haha!!
mmm homemade yogurt...morgan your a creative genius...god knows how yogurt would turn out if i made it at home...so its activia for me!
me likey the differnt dessert...its ok to switch it up...specially for nummy cake!!!
oo homegrown popcorn? me thinks morgan is very talented in the kitchen indeedys :)
have a wonderful night mdear, relax and enjoy the rest of paddys day :)
love you much chica!!
yay for boobage!!! woop! xxxx
I'm so freaking jealous, I'm steaming and puffing! I WANT BOOBS!!! not that I had any to begin with, but seriously, mine right now is beyond pathetic. they're so flat they'll be a good candidate for airplane railways.
baking throwdown? to that I say, "ALLEZ CUISINE!"
haha morgs! you crack me up :D and i always love your posts.but that is one of the many positives in recovery! i have a very long way to go - but i should be hopeful!
homemade jam? i need to join you in this hippie revolution. i am loving it girly! and i am loving your breakfast and popcorn on the cob. yum! delicious and major cool factor. and a rachel's! i am so happy for your - im sorry about the lack of color though. i agree a pink shade would make it even better!
ohhh spanakopita! i love that you are always breaking the barrier with new dinner foods. they bring back to so many taste bud memories. and your salad looks absolutely divine! oh my goodness.
no ice cream - not a problem! i secretly love cake more than any dessert. but of course i am not the next martha stewart so i rarely enjoy it. i hope your enjoyed each bite, it looks delicious!
i second the every other day posts. that is what i do and i love it. i think eating alone is stressful enough, but then to constantly consume our days with it? a bit overwhelming. so right on!
i hope you had a very fun, silly, and green st. patty's day! and hopefully the homework situation lightens up while this beautiful weather is taking over :)
love you a million cutie! <333
p.s im actually located in the mid-west! are you on facebook?
Morgy! I've been the absolute worst lately- I haven't commented in forever.
Firstie, thanks for the award! :D Check out my latest post so you can get your award too.
Next, tiny spoons... I love them too.
Thirdly, you are such a CUTE HIPPIE! <3 Glad to know my crazy padres made your yogurt dreams real.
Fourthly, Steve is adorable. He's waaay cuter than the real Steve from Blue's Clues.
Now, on to the commenting that "Boobage?" deserves!
I'm so very jealous of your new found boobage. You should throw a party. A boob party that has breasty games with booby prizes.
I'm going to stop now and continue with another subject:
Your popcorn looks delicious and I'm pretty sure it was!
And I can never figure out why Rachel's yogurt isn't the actual color that it says on the label.
I had some Monday night...
I think this is a sign.
You really are my long lost sister.
*eerie Twilight Zone music*
Happy (late) St. Patty's Day.
Nummy yummy cake.
Have a great day/night/morning/evening! :D <3
Oulala! Yummy banana muffin you got there! Wow homemade apricot jam & yogurt?! YUM!
Ermm O_O How does your Kansas-grown popcorn work? Do you like, pop the whole cob in the microwave? xD Yes, I live in sort of a box, so I don't know much about the outside world :O
Yay for boobage! Congrats! I'm still flat D: Just you wait a little longer, then I can celebrate with you!
Can I have some of your cakkie? 'Cause it definately looks DELISHHH!!! Omgosh, I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE the icing on cakes/cupcakes. So sweet and yummeh :P
Haha, congrats on getting some boobs back! You're definitely beat me in that department. It's one of the things about recovery that I've most been looking forward to lol.
I lurve every bit of your food erm, yesterday? The popcorn on the cob in so cute! Rachel's is my favorite yogurt, glad you enjoyed it! Mmmm spanakopita. Did you make it yourself?
That cake looks yummy! You are forgiven for not having ice cream/froyo. If you had something lame like ricecakes then there would've been an issue.
I like your every other day posting. I think I'm probably going to switch to that soon. Hope you're enjoying your Wednesday! Much love
Yay for boobicles!
Unfortunately, my boobs don't like me, they just simply refuse to be happy and grow for me. So alas, I'm stuck with ridonculously miniature boobs. (>_<)
What delicious foodage you have this fine day!
Have a great day!
i just l-o-v-e your eaties swettie and i love your blog even more :)
yay boobage! I like Emily's idea of a boob party!
ahhh spanakopita! I have not treated myself to one of those in a long time. mmm cake.
I didn't know you used to be a KS girl! I have yet to find any Kansas-based (or even MO, really) food blogs :( But I am keeping my eyes peeled! And I've found yours, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE, even if you don't live in KS anymore haha. Have a great day!
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